Sunday Services 10:45am -12:30pm
Sunday School 9:30 -10:30 am | Friday 7:00pm
Damascus Road Ministries 2nd Saturday 5-6pm



BE THE ARK in the world!

Greetings and blessings to all of you. Today we celebrate Memorial Day. It is a day set aside to honor and remember the military personnel who died in the performance of their duty. Why do we have the military? To defend our nation against external threats and ensure security for our nation. Did you know that we live in enemy territory? The Bible tells us in I Peter 5:8 “ ..because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.” The military is assigned to various locations to expose the enemy before damage occurs. Our location is “where ... (Read More)


Greetings and blessings to all of you. In the book of Rev. 3:2 Jesus told the church in Sardis, “Be watchful and strengthen the things which remain… that are ready to die… for I have not found your works perfect before God.” I assert that Christ has called the church (people called out) to be a safeguard for the next generation. We all know that the young people in the public schools and colleges are facing pressure to go along with transgenderism and abortions, same sex relationships and now the Marxist- ideology. We as a church should know that when the state rights... (Read More)

ROLE MODELS for the modern Woman

Greetings and blessings to all of you. Today is Mother’s Day. Some of you are Mothers. All of you had at least a biological Mother and/or you know a Mother. And because we live in a sin infested world many have struggled with infertility, the sorrow of miscarriages and regretful abortions. Broken and sin sick relationships have tainted many of our experiences with our mothers. In the Bible there were lots of mothers, such as Eve, Ruth, Naomi, Mary, Elizabeth, etc. They were human with all the weaknesses that we have…but if we were name characteristics that these ladies had in comm... (Read More)


Greetings and blessings to all of you. Many people are spiritually lost due to the sinful preoccupations of this world, and they can’t find their way to the Father’s house unless we the church sweep through the world seeking to share truths to them. The world is a mess. People in power make decisions we do not agree with. Confusion, lies, distortion of truth injures the innocent. Such as affirming transgenderism beginning in kindergarten classes…when God clearly told us in Mark 9:42 “But whoever causes one of the little ones who believe in Me to stumble. It would be be... (Read More)


Greetings and blessings to all of you. Let’s talk about LOVE. First John 4:16-19 says, “God is Love and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. Love has been perfected among us in this that we may have boldness in the day of judgement because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. we love him because he first loved us.” In what ways does our culture abuse the notion of LOVE to justify actions God says are sinful? Our culture seem... (Read More)


Greetings and blessings to all of you. Jesus said in Matt. 6:24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” Serving mammon or money stands in opposition to God. Serving money means that you will give Time to acquiring ‘money’. Will you give that Time to God? The world currently have changed sports practices to Sundays. That means that you and I will miss attending church services if it means acquiring more money. Our kids are now being influenced by mon... (Read More)


Greetings and blessings to all of you. Jesus said in John 7:7 “the world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil.” And He said in John 3:19, “and this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” Do you believe these statements? Are you aware that these statements made by Christ are being played out before our eyes? Dr. Albert Mohler said about “The Death of Truth …when that which was once celebrated is condemned; when that which... (Read More)


Greetings and blessings to all of you. The polls are in. It says that church attendance is getting lower especially since the plan-demic (COVID). But even before then polls stated that attendance was/is only higher in some congregations that have weak teachings, lacking the hard truths of Scripture and poor theology. On Christmas, Easter, and other special holidays you will see an excellent example of this.,,these churches are packed. The “myth of influence” has affected the minds of the people in our culture. It means that the gospel advances only if the public say so. They must s... (Read More)


Greetings and blessings to all of you. This is Palm Sunday. This day will have us recalling how the people in the first century were just like us. Fickle, confused, easily influenced and just plain evil at times. That day Jesus came into Jerusalem at the time of Passover on a donkey denoting His humility. In Zech 9:9 this scene was prophesized. “Rejoice greatly people of Jerusalem! Your King is coming to you. He does what is right and he saves, He is gentle and riding on a donkey, on the colt of a donkey.” Some were worshipping him yelling “Hosanna Blessed is He who comes in ... (Read More)


Greetings and blessings to all of you. Did you know that we should study the Word; know the Word, live by the Word and stand on the Word? At a time when we desperately need to engage our culture with the message that gives us hope and transforms lives… many have pushed the Word aside and fail to speak out in the face of evil. A political scientist Ms. Noelle-Neumann said, referring to the slaughter of over six million Jews in World War II, “if you do not speak you are not being neutral but are contributing to the success of the thing you refuse to name and condemn.” Either w... (Read More)
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12650 1st Ave S Burien, WA 98168

Sunday Services 10:45am -12:30pm
Sunday School 9:30 -10:30 am | Friday 7:00pm
Damascus Road Ministries 2nd Saturday 5-6pm

© Copyright 2024, all rights reserved.