Sunday Services 10:45am -12:30pm
Sunday School 9:30 -10:30 am | Friday 7:00pm
Damascus Road Ministries 2nd Saturday 5-6pm

December 25, 2023

Greetings and blessings to all of you and a very MERRY CHRISTMAS. This is a special time of the year. This is a time when we realize who came into this world long ago to give us what we needed. We needed a Savior… A Redeemer....A Deliverer….A Comforter…A Healer. God’s gift to us is His Son. “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” Why? It was very important to God for His children to understand who He is and what is his attributes.. He wants us to know that He is not merely a God of holiness, wrath and justice, but that He is also loving, kind, merciful and always present to hear and respond to our cries for help. (Psalm 17:6; 46:1) That is why He sent His Son to us; Jesus Christ came to reveal the Father’s true nature (John 14:9). As Hebrews 1:3 explains, Jesus “is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature.” So, if you want an accurate picture of God…look at Jesus… it is impossible to know the Father apart from the Son (John 14:6) What is it about Christ that motivates such heartfelt worship on this special day? It was who He is, what He has done, and what He will do. He is.. …God the Son, who laid aside His divinity so that He might rescue us. (Phil 2:6-7) He is…the Savior who took on human form and died so that we might be saved (Phil 2:8). He is…the only One who revealed God the Father to us (John 14:9) He is…the Son of Man who chose to identify with us because of His great love. He is …The Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world. He is…The Lion of Judah who will return as the judge, the ruler and the authority over all. (Rev. 5:5) Let us not be like the people who have a tendency to focus on all the parties, the eating of food, the exchanging gifts and forget about the reason for the season. We must look at the conditions in the world today. Many people want to forget about God. There are wars and rumors of wars. There are hateful uprisings against God’s chosen people. Lawlessness is spreading because deceived politicians have defunded the law enforcement. Undocumented people are coming in from many countries flooding our welfare system and causing a huge homeless population. Parents are no longer effective parenting therefore the young are restless, and rebellious. Moral decadent is at an all-time high. Saints, only Jesus is the answer to these conditions ..that is why He came…to save us from our sins ,,and to give us Eternal Life.

With the Love of Christ
First Lady Vivian C. Currie
Pastor ALC

12650 1st Ave S Burien, WA 98168

Sunday Services 10:45am -12:30pm
Sunday School 9:30 -10:30 am | Friday 7:00pm
Damascus Road Ministries 2nd Saturday 5-6pm

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