Sunday Services 10:45am -12:30pm
Sunday School 9:30 -10:30 am | Friday 7:00pm
Damascus Road Ministries 2nd Saturday 5-6pm

March 26, 2023

Greetings and blessings to all of you. The Bible is Prophetic. The Bible from the beginning to the end tells us about events that we should be aware of. Being prophetic it gives us faith in the Word of God and God Himself. For example, next Sunday is Psalm Sunday. It is a celebration of the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. In Zechariah 9:9 he prophesized saying, “Rejoice greatly O daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” Jesus fulfilled this OT prophecy and this was His mission to make public His claim to be their Messiah and King of Israel. So, on this special day, the people really believed that it was the time that this “King” would overthrow Rome, their oppressors. God’s Kingdom will come. Read in (Rev. 20:1-6). These people gave Jesus the historical royal treatment of a king; spreading their cloaks and palm branches on the road verbally they shouting “Hosanna to the Son of David, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest heaven!” The anticipation of the crowd for a (s)avior was understandable because just like in our times…the government was out of control. Are you and I ready for somebody to save us from this oppressive government? Have you learned to ignore the craziness and have decided if it is not directly affecting you or me and we can still live the American what? Where is the Love? Jesus came to save the lost…being the Lamb slain on the cross…then resurrected. We needed a Savior. They needed a Savior. They just did not know it. Do the people of today know this? No, most of the people (who are bothered by the culture) want a rescue in the form of politics….vote for Democrats or Republicans. Guess what God does not care about that…He cares about our hearts. He cares about a politician’s heart. Just like He cared about King Nebby and Rabbi Nicki. So, that day Jesus rode humbly and unimpressively on a donkey... but when He comes again it will be on a “white stallion”. Our need first and foremost need (just like these people) is a Spiritual need. Today begin thinking about the similarities between these people and our day and time. Note the one thing that will stand forever… that Jesus loves his creatures. He wants us to allow Him to be the King of our hearts offering love, grace, mercy and eternal life.

With the Love of Christ
First Lady Vivian C. Currie
Pastor ALC

12650 1st Ave S Burien, WA 98168

Sunday Services 10:45am -12:30pm
Sunday School 9:30 -10:30 am | Friday 7:00pm
Damascus Road Ministries 2nd Saturday 5-6pm

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