Sunday Services 10:45am -12:30pm
Sunday School 9:30 -10:30 am | Friday 7:00pm
Damascus Road Ministries 2nd Saturday 5-6pm

June 07, 2020

Greetings and blessings to all of you.  In the midst of rioters, protesters, and peaceful prayer by Pastors from various churches God’s word still stands as true. His greatest desire is for fellowship with every person on Earth and His desire is that none should perish. (2 Peter 3:9) Many hearts are now hardened towards God, so people pursue personal pleasures and behaviors that are not Christlike..over doing good and righteous things. Like in the days of Noah they have turned away from God. People desire to control their lives and destiny, but lack the ability to alter world events. This creates additional anxieties and frustrations which fuel more fears manifested in pilfering, smash and grab, meandering in the streets, fights, stabbings, etc. The world we live in is troubled. The nonbelievers do not understand when God said, “there is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither slave nor free and there is neither male or female for you are all ONE in Christ Jesus.” (Gal. 3:28) God is incredibly patient and forgiving. And when everything is headed up in Christ, there will be absolute peace and harmony; until then…NO PEACE.  There is Hope. God is in the recovery/reconciliation/restoration/heart-changing business. There is nothing impossible for God. There was once full harmony in the universe but that was before Satan’s rebellion which was followed by the fall of man. Satan damaged the Oneness by introducing death into all creation. There was a separation from God and the Oneness of the universe was lost.  But God.  He has an eternal plan and that is to begin with the church (the Body of Christ.) Christ as our head is leading us to mature in the faith so we can be that salt and light that will influence the non-believers. There is now a Great Divide going on because of “the prince of power of the air the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience” (Eph 2:2) is allowed to run loose for now. God calls him “the ruler of this world” (John 16:11). However, that means that the Body of Christ has to step up! Saints we have to begin to pray for our leaders and our nations. We have to consistently share the Good News with our neighbors and family members. We must know the heart of God to bring the truth to our communities amd families.

With the Love of Christ  

First Lady Vivian C. Currie

 Pastor ALC

12650 1st Ave S Burien, WA 98168

Sunday Services 10:45am -12:30pm
Sunday School 9:30 -10:30 am | Friday 7:00pm
Damascus Road Ministries 2nd Saturday 5-6pm

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